You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.5. ESTIMATES Menu: Micronet Estimating System > 5.5.3. Estimates - Manufactured Estimate > Managing Manufactured Estimates > Estimate Manufactured Job Entry - Stages
Estimate Manufactured Job Entry - Stages

When a new estimate is created, Micronet automatically creates an initial stage for the estimate based on the default setting entered in the Department master file (refer to "Adding a New Department"). For example, this initial stage may be numbered 1. Micronet automatically assigns any contract value entered when the estimate is created to this initial stage.

You can create additional normal and/or variation stages for an estimate at any time. You create variation stages when there is additional work to complete that was not included in the original contract amount. The stage type (normal or variation) denotes the way Micronet deals with the stage. For normal stages, costs posted against the stage impact on the original contract amount. For variations, costs accrue against variations to the main contract amount.

Creating stages and variations allows you to sub-group job transactions into cost groups for reporting and budgeting purposes. That is, job transaction reports can be printed in stage order if required.

To create a new stage or variation for a manufactured estimate:

  1. Display the Estimate Manufactured Job Entry screen.

Refer to "Managing Manufactured Estimates".

  1. Select STAGES.

Micronet displays the Estimate Variations screen.

  1. If you want to:

If you selected to add, insert or edit a stage or variation, Micronet displays the Enter Stages screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Stage Number

Enter a unique ID for the stage or variation (up to 10 characters).



Enter up to three lines of description for the stage or variation.



Select whether you are creating a Normal job stage or a Variation stage. The stage type determines whether the costs posted against the stage impact on the original contract amount or accrue against variations to the main contract amount.



For variation stages only, leave the status as Unapproved until the stage is approved. When you set the status to Approved, the Amount you enter on this screen is added to the total variations on the job header and the variation amount is available when processing progress claims.


Approved By

For variations only, if you selected Approved in the Status field, enter any reference or the name of the person who is approving the variation.



Enter the total dollar value of this stage or variation. Costs posted against this stage or variation will reduce this amount.

  1. If you want to enter budgets for the stage or variation, select the the Budgets button.

Micronet displays the Actuals and Budgets screen. The Cost fields on this screen are only displayed if your user security allows you to access cost prices (i.e. they are not displayed if the Show Cost on Inquiries field on your user ID is set to No - refer to "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 1. Main").

  1. Complete the following fields:









For each cost centre, Micronet displays the actual hours (labour) already posted against this stage or variation.



For each cost centre, Micronet displays the actual cost of sales (labour and/or materials) already posted against this stage or variation.



For each cost centre, Micronet displays the actual amount already charged to the customer for this stage or variation.






For each cost centre, enter the budgeted hours (labour) for this stage or variation.



For each cost centre, enter the budgeted costs (labour and/or materials) for this stage or variation.



For each cost centre, enter the budgeted amount to be charged to the customer for this stage or variation.

  1. When you have finished entering budgets for the stage or variation, select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Stages screen.

  1. Select the Accept button.

If you selected to add a stage or variation, Micronet redisplays the Enter Stages screen so you can add further stages or variations.

  1. If there are any user defined questions (UDQs) defined for job stages, select the User Question button and enter the answer to the question(s).

For more information about using the User Defined Questions screen, refer to "Edit - User Information".

  1. When you have finished entering stages or variations, select the Cancel button.

Micronet redisplays the Estimate Variations screen showing all the stages and variations for the estimate.

  1. When you have finished maintaining stages and variations for the estimate, select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Estimate Manufactured Job Entry screen.